(800) 770 4959

Frequently Asked Questions

About Us

We were founded in early 2004.

We service a wide variety of businesses. Everybody needs to track time.

  • Professional offices (doctors, insurance agents, bookkeepers, tax professionals, travel agents, etc.)
  • Retail stores (coffee shops, flower shops, etc.)
  • Staffing agencies
  • Marketing companies
  • Manufacturers
  • Universities and other educational institutions
  • State and Federal agencies (We’re DCAA compliant!)
  • Restaurants
  • Web developers, freelancers, engineers
  • Hotels and spas
  • Charities and religious institutions (please contact us for special rates) 

Timesheets.com can help with training at no additional cost. We offer training videos and tech support.


Yes, you will. Any employee can be deactivated or reactivated at any time and the system saves all the old data associated with the employee.

Not exactly, but you can upload a company logo to replace the Timesheets.com logo in your account. The logo also appears on downloads that you can send to clients and others.

All our reports are highly customizable and can be exported in several formats. You can separate out specific employees, projects, dates, etc. Our reports are also print-ready, meaning you can click ‘print’ at any time and print out a nicely formatted report.

Yes. You can set up different time zones for individual employees according to your needs.

Supervisors can clock their employees in or out as needed from the dashboard. This feature can be useful for teams that work out in the field.

Timesheets.com allows employees to request changes to their clock-in or out times. Administrators or supervisors can then approve, deny, or modify times based on those requests.

Yes. Employees can be assigned different pay rates for the different jobs they do.

Timesheets.com calculates “weekly” overtime based on the Federal rules – this is what most states follow — and we also correctly calculate the more complicated California “daily” overtime. It is important to choose a company with experience programming these difficult calculations. There are many factors to consider when running payroll like, for example, whether the employee worked through a pay period or worked 7 days in a row.

Projects can be assigned different default rates and all employees that work on the project can also have their own custom rates.

Yes, you can. Please contact us for assistance.

All of these items can be linked for reporting purposes.

Project time can be tracked in exact minutes or set to round by 6, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes.

Timesheets.com can be locked down to one or more static IP address to prevent people from clocking in from home or other unauthorized locations. We record the IP address of every clock punch.

We offer an upgrade that records a photo with every clock punch to help ensure identity.

Yes, but for security purposes, this function can also be disabled by the administrator.

Accounts and Billing

Yes, you can. Visit Company Settings and select or deselect the options you wish to change.

Your demo account becomes your actual working account. There is no need to transfer or re-enter employee data.

No. There are no fees of any kind besides the posted subscription rates.

Project time, hourly time, expenses, scheduling, and HR docs are all included in the price. The price remains the same whether you use all or only some of the features.

There is no contract other than our terms of use agreement and you may cancel service at any time. If you paid annually rather than monthly, the service is yours until the end of the pre-paid term.

All accounts start out as demo accounts. Start your subscription by signing up for the free trial and you’ll be able to activate your account right away.

We bill automatically on the first of each month or on a customer’s annual anniversary sign-up date.

Anyone logging in to Timesheets.com or recording data is considered a user and needs an account. We do provide one free administrator to all customers.

Clients may pay for annual service by check. Timesheets.com is unable to accept checks for month to month clients. Contact us for an invoice or you may send a check for annual service to PO Box 1392, Discovery Bay, CA 94505.

You only have to pay for the months you use. So if you run a swimming camp in the summer, you will only pay for the service while your employees are actually employed. You can put your account on hold when they go back to college. Once the summer returns, all your data will be just as you left it and ready for you to start tracking time again.

Yes! Timesheets.com rewards customer referrals.


Our strategy is to minimize any requirements for confidential information for your company and employees. Beyond names and email addresses, most data fields are optional. Your payment information is sent directly to our merchant banker via secure interface at the time of payment, is not stored in our environment, and is not accessible by Timesheets.com employees. For more detailed information, please review our Terms of Use, Data Processing Agreement, and Privacy Statement here


Yes! We offer a simple integration both products included with the service. We would love to help you set it up. Please let us show you how.

In the past, we did work with Salesforce by being installed via the AppExchange. Some legacy customers may continue to use our products though their Salesforce accounts if they are already installed, but Salesforce is making rapid changes with their Lighting platform and we cannot ensure the app will remain functional at this time. Salesforce users may still continue to use Timesheets.com without interruption, but must login via our normal login page. Single-sign-on is no longer supported.

Timesheets.com has exports for many payroll systems. Please contact us if you need assistance or do not see your payroll service in our export file types.

Timesheets.com works with outsourced payroll companies. This service is separate from our tracking services.

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Timesheets.com Employee Time Tracking Software

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